Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ed Psych 101

Here are my observations on Ed Psych 101...Ed Tech in the classroom. If, in our efforts to include Ed Tech in our classrooms, we LET Ed Tech DRIVE what happens in our classroom, we're letting the cart get ahead of the horse...and if you let that continue to happen, as it will if you ignore the ground-swell of tech development, well, you deserve what's going to happen in your classroom, and it won't be pretty.

I'm an 'active' teacher...always have been. I HATE passive teaching...sitting on your 'arse', lecturing, never engaging your students. I LOVE to walk around, check progress on work, interact with the kids, find out who's activiely engaged and who's just plain being lazy...years of Performance Psychology go into this 'hands-on' approach.

Educational Technology DEMANDS active HAVE to be up-and-about to check on progress, inappropriate use of technology, cell phones in the lap.'s a given. If kids learn they CAN cheat with their cell phones, some will...protect the appropriate use of technology by being active in your classroom...walk the aisles, demand they 'shelve' technology except when released from their constraints by common courtesy, 'May we plug in, please...'.

Damn, I am astounded at their courtesy, and their creativity...and I'm going to ask them to 'unplug'?...not on your life!

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