Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back to School

There's a very famous line in the film 'Apocalypse, Now', when, Robert DeNiro, flying in on a destructive force of helicopters and decimating the local forest, says, "I LOVE the smell of napalm in the morning...".
Well...I HATED the film (sorry, hated the era, and the thoughts...still do...)...but I LOVE the smell of education in the morning...didn't quite connect then, but it does now...
I LOVE getting back together with my 'buds', sharing war stories (even though I don't understand a helluva lot they're talking about...) and comparing notes. Sheesh, I was made to be a teacher...I can't imagine any other 'gig' , any other profession, that I was carved-out for...now, when I understand there is so much more my students can be offered, and aren't, I sometimes weep...and I'm NOT a techie...sheesh, thankfully, my daughter graduated with some tech savvy, and gradually moved into a 'Tech-Savvy' industry... great pay and benefits, and saves me making her car payments forever...
So, I spurned the 'big money'...but, what I got in return, dude, you can't spend...EVER!

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