Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Off the Subject...

I wanted to continue my blog on the 'Continuing Challenge of Youth Development' (and I will...), but have remained sidetracked for some weeks with some of my own development and enrichment. But, recent events have engaged and enraged me so thoroughly, I have to write. I hope it's not too inappropriate to 'rant and rave' in a personal blog, but I figure if you want to read it you have a choice.

Speaking of choices, I am unashamedly a pacifist, vegetarian practicing Zen Buddhist. I have absolutely NO interest in brainwashing others in this personal pursuit (TV already does a good enough job for 99% of America...). But, when I read or hear what @jethrojones forwarded to me (sorry...I don't watch TV, either...), I can't believe what I am reading: www.ksl.com/?nid=153&sid=2679753.

I can't believe we are living in an enlightened age where we celebrate war, hungriness, homelessness and pain are routinely ignored, children haven't health care, and our elected Utah legislature, in their 'wisdom' chooses to focus on further marginalizing 'alternative lifestyles' and clearing grocery shelves of evil malt beverages, and fail to see the immorality in an adult human being microwaving a puppy. Why, why, WHY do we continue to elect these IDIOTS!? Is our humanity gone so far south individually, we can't see this HUGE disconnect in our own human dignity.

I'm an avowed optimist (and, no, that isn't something immoral or dirty...sheesh, get a life...), but I sometimes openly weep at our loss...

1 comment:

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